Saturday, November 29, 2008

Yoga, What's Up?

Yeah, yoga. The world famous exercise of the indians back in their old eras.
The depiction of this activity is that it refers to traditional physical and mental disciplines. It has 6 branches according to the Hindu philosophy which I don't want to mention them here. The yoga is a type of meditation which supposedly to release the tense and stress for it's practitioners.

In the world today, people who practices exotic kind of exercises had plucked yoga into becoming their own as in changing the true purposes of the meditation; not following the branches of Hinduism and of mere exercise and so on. Basically, that is the arguement that have been used to be against the fatwa of the ulama' council to ban the yoga practice.

A fatwa is made not with a single mind or one sided thought which most people said it to be. According the Head of Directors of Jakim, Datuk Wan Mohd Sheikh Abdul Aziz, it was made due to considerations, not only from Jakim, but other local universities lecturers, professors which have analysed the matter beforehand. Thus, it's not a thing to be taken lightly, moreover for a muslim. But I guess it's quite sudden eh?

I've read an article in a local newspaper, of a journalist comment on the fatwa of haram-ing the Yoga. His opening was quite good, talking about understandings and stuffs but the next lines that has pissed me off the most. He's a muslim, and he did non-muslim rituals such as reciting hymns and playing with the 'colok'. Those plays are very dangerous as they can cancel our iman. Plus, he was talking about people should be understood and cannot be controlled by a single fatwa. What The Heck? The fatwa is only a reminder for muslims that the yoga practice may lead to dismay and disbelief. Whether people agrees on it or not, it's a different matter. People do afraid of the word Haram, Then why question so much?

Another thing, regarding on the Haramization of Al-khamr(wine) and pigs, it's already stated in the Al-Quran and is final, there's no reason behing it, just hikmaat for us to ponder upon. Easily said, everything is just a reminder, whether to follow or not, it's our own choice, the power that hath been bestowed upon us human by Allah is the power to choose. It's okay to just do what we like, the relation between us and god is solo mano anyway. My thoughts are to the better resolution of the yoga thingy but then the fatwa has popped out, so I sealed my lips and just go with the flow because I'm not an Islamic scholar, not a man of great 'ilm to argue more on this matter.

Well, that's a piece of my mind, maybe more, but just let them rest in my head..
for awhile..

Friday, November 28, 2008

Too Many Stuffs Goin On, Too Little Time

It's incredible, and ironic. I've been urging my friends to build their blogs and fill them up fancies but then, I actually did the parallel which resulted to the TOTAL neglection of my blog. It's been abandoned for like.. a very long time. WOW! I was so hyped then when the blog was first launched, kinda like the very first touch that I've ever laid on my ps3.

Anyhow, here I am, still in one piece, like luffy and the gang (an anime fan would understand this). Still figuring what to crap about next. Lots of thing going through my mind at the moment. However, they just can't get out of my mind, trapped in an abyss of an endless enigma. Scientist had actually conducted an experiment on my brain a few years back, and they found two big hole, which air come in and out via it. The holes were actually my nostrills, they dug in too deep and went over the brain area instead, to the nose. They had done a pretty damn mistake which caused their dismissal, pretty sad though.

Now then, the crapping will start once more.. The CRAPPAGE strikes back!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

About Morrow or even Morrower..

Well.. I've got to admit.. It's been a pretty while since I've written something, not just in a blog but in the reality. As time is not quite with me; tests, assignments and even exam shrouded my every day, and to wake up only thinking of them. Usually, stuffs been smooth, so.. what went wrong? It's not just me, but everyone is experiencing this. Ultimately, I want to feel the love of living, yes, I've longed for that.

A very close friend of mine had once said this 'Live life to the fullest'. Yup, I agreed on that yet something bothers me, how can we live life to the fullest without crossing the line? We have our limitations and restrictions, consider those. I, myself had constrained every acts and my social interactions as I do not want to drift away in the sea of the worldly life. Just what can we enjoy while eluding from walking to the wrong path??

I've got my resolutions, so it's for you to ponder and decide.

Malas nyer nk tulis skrg, got more important stuffs to do...

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Eh?? Raya la plak!

The fasting month of Ramadhan has passed,

Then comes Syawal where we celebrate aidulfitri,
The jolly smiles can be seen in every muslim,
For they are holding the best day of the year.
Making new resolutions, Being grateful to Allah S.w.T.
Forgiving one another, Some would say "Kosong - Kosong ek?"'
And even handing 'Duit Raya' to kids.

Yet, we should never forget our brothers in the middle east.
They're not having fun as we do,
They're actually battling for their lives, their joyous day..
Seeking a freedom which will last till ages,
And the invaders to be vanquished from their earth.
Their land.. their property.

It's only a reminder,
How to celebrate aidulfitri is actually at someone's whim,
We cannot regulate men into thinking of remorse,
as it is a joyous day to be commemorated,
What a waste if we don't use the time to enjoy it?

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Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Revolutionary Masterpiece

Since I was in my mother's womb, I had been exposed to classical music such as Beethoven, Palchelbel and many more. Later, I would resort to Jazz where it is quite light and funky. However, I wonder how Rock came into contact with me as I grew older? As I recalled, I really hated pure rock music at the tender age of 6 for their explosive noise made my heart race and my senses tingling. This was because I couldn't stand heavy sound, all confusion took place when I hear any of that sort. Furthermore, my family was the kind that doesn't listen to this kind of music and was discouraged when asking to try listening to one.

Years later, at the age of Puberty of 15, my dad, who actually listens to Rock, not just mere Rock, but Hard Rock (Woah!) introduced me to Radiohead, a British Pop/Rock Band. My first impression after hearing a track of their CD was, "Is this some kind of a Psychedellic, mind controlling programme of sort?". Sure, it was really slothful to be heard. The music goes slow, then slower, then it was like... I dont know, better change the band's name to 'Sleepy'head (Get the picture?). Well, that's better. Overall, the band is well established and I praise for their nice effort to bring life to those kind of music. Old albums beat the rest, if you wanna try this one-hell of a rock band, listen to old ones first, the reason is I hate the new ones, they suck deliberately causing your ears to bleed. Your attempt is at your own risk (And don't ay i didn't warn you!).

"Try this one, you'll love it", a friend told me. It was a Muse (A British Rock band) gig compilation CD of their round Australia tour. That was when I was in sweet Form 5. I'm already into Rock at that time, since I've played Guitar Hero at the ps2 console with my dad during last school break (Form 4). Motorhead, Kiss, Ramones, Deep Purple and Jimi Hendrix, these are the names that revolve around my head if someone were to talk about Rock with me. Hence, Muse was quite the debut in my mind then, and the enthusiasm seeped into my soul as quickly as the thunder skill launched by Pikachu or Raichu (Whichever makes you happy). Eagerly, I ran to my room, on my PC, insert the CD, and voila, the scenes started. "Fwaaaaa... Cool", those were my first words. Appealing, Fascinating wa what I thought as all of the rock songs I heard, there were non like the Muse. They were totally the best.

Until, on 2006, they launched their new album called the 'Super Masive Blackhole' which has been averted from their original idea of rock. Initially, they were just doing what rockers do best, Jamming with all their might, using every capabilities that they have. Howver, they really turned me off by changing their style to Rock/Techno. "Come on! You're not a Disco band, stop tarnishing your own reputation!", my gripe at that particular launching time of the CD, full of tension and sorrow. I regret to say that I may have lost my faith in rock bands... But then again, after I heard from more band like Arctic Monkeys and Alter Bridge, my devotion has been revived! At this point the headbanging starts.

Growing older, I stayed at the dorm of a University, meeting friends which I never even imagine that I would be close to who taught me how to play the guitar! That's nice! I had guitar lessons before but they were forsaken for I pursued for something else, that is not necessary to be stated here. I had 2 teachers, one was my senior and one was in the same batch. They were both nice individuals, for people who don't really know them, they would probably thought that my friends were some mess up teenagers or even spoiled brats. Progressing with the guitar lessons, my head progressed too as they banged more and more each day after learning a tune or two. Heads banged, Pillows kicked around, Friends tortured, all because of the revolutinary Rock madness. The chaotic craze doesn't just and anywhere, it continues.. No one can really hate rock, they have to just go with the flow in the end.

To cut a long story short, my head still spinning from the bangings and crashings. It doesn't hurt one bit, it's just as exhilarating as you play PS3 that you've bought with your own money (Playing in the gaming outlets clearly irrelevant). Often heard people say that Rock doesn't potray any art and soul in their music. Well, they're wrong, Rock indeed have something that most genre have not, their speciality plus they have their own classification, what more do you actually want?
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Monday, August 4, 2008

I thought the joker was creepy. But this...

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Soul of a Blogger

Blogging was made to express people's point of view,
And through blogspot, I've wrote a few,
Enjoying it and thus made it a hobby,
Until at one point, I stopped 'cause I'm sleepy.

Tup Tap Tup Tap, I typed very excitedly,
When I finished writing, I felt really happy,
I read my post again to check for any mistake,
It's only objective is for perfection's sake.

Before, I had ample time to write in blogs,
But recently, I have little time to even have small talks,
As for now, time is always ahead of me,
I tried to catch up time but fell tremendously.

No! This won't be the end of me,
For I will still climb up higher than a tree,
And Yes! I will use all my might,
In order to be the winner of this worldly fight.

*The End*

HAHAHA~ Blogging sure is Fun :D

Unique, I want to be called that..

Strength, that is what we call as our speciality in our inner self. No one can actually measure how strong you are, it's all in psychological sense where if someone thinks he's strong, then he is strong in a way.

The Power does not come from brawns alone but brains as well. The synchronization of the kills develops a new kind of wave which is the hidden force. Force doesn't mean brute force, but more to what I called earlier, a speciality that made each and every man on earth different from each other. Furthermore, men are made with diversity of attributes, that's how they are unique in every aspects. For instance, some men are weak, but their brains are assets while vigorous men lacks intellect. However, there are still men who possess both traits, they are called the all-rounder which are perfect.

Enough about brains and brawns, the ability of someone is actually the most inimitable of all. For example, a group of artistes, 5 of them, they can draw but not all of them are able to immitate the other one's work perfectly. Their skills are exclusive and is hard to be emulated even by an expert as they have their own drawing styles. Same goes to someone who holds the talent to play guitar, he could produce his own tune at any time by only relying onto himself.

Unique, that is the sound calling of a man. They possess different ability and skills which some come from themselves which are exceptional. Hence, do not judge a deprived as lowly he can be, he could have something that is not in acquaintance with other people. Who knows if you might learn a thing or two from him? . . . . .

Sunday, June 8, 2008

L for Loyal

Have you heard of an Iraqi who had betrayed his own country by spying his own country for the CIA? That showed how vulgar a human can be to his own motherland. As a loyal subject, he cannot just double-cross his own kin for his former adversary (now 'friend'). Loyalty does not only come with your acts or words, it comes from within the heart.

It saddens me when I read the newspapers lately about students complaining that they have not been offered to any scholarships for their further studies as they had obtained superb SPM results. Yes, they can gripe all they want but please, do not perceive the word 'loyalty' lightly. They even threaten that if they study abroad, do not haul over the coals for they will not use the knowledge that they acquire for the benefit of the country.

From that, we can see that they are no loyalty in today's youngsters. They object and protest without thinking thoroughly, blaming aimlessly. I'm not sure whether there's a flaw in the country's management or so, however, former President of the United States have said something like this; it's not what the country can do for you, but what YOU can do for your country. Faithfulness is essential for a country to be developed, it will crumble into debris if that factor is gone.

A little bit out of topic, me myself, is a fan of Liverpool FC (YNWA!!). Even though they didn't win the FA cup, but I still support them. I'm not a bias aficionado, it's just that, I'm too loyal to them to root for other stronger teams such as Man U. If you're loyal to something, whatever hails onto them, you will automatically shield them from any undesirable mockings.

Be loyal, not only to your country, but to your religion as well. Without the steadfast attitude, you cannot feel safe in the world, you will just feel something is amiss, it strangely surrounds your life. That's only my opinion, like in the Malay proverb, 'tepuk dada, tanya selera'.
Blogging is fun :D

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Procrastination is the Thief of Time

My english teacher during form 5 days always verbalizes that very phrase to us. Obviously because most of us usually hand in our homeworks late (as in stacking it to one big pile, after we thought that they were too much to be handled, we gave them to the teacher for marking purposes, at last..). We knew our acts had been a burden to her since she couldn't give report regarding our progress due to our failure to submit the assignments on the designated time. Regardless of that, we still do nothing to improve, thus we got the punishment we deserved.

Procrastination sometimes can be fun (you can relax a bit before doing a responsibility) but as you postponed important things for too long or too much, the delightment of it will fade away for they will be back haunting you. Me, myself got into trouble once, I put stuffs on delay too much, as a result, i got nothing, not even a trick up my sleeves. Plans backfired, Goals looking dim, Results spoilt, those are all natural if you lighten up things that you shouldn't.

A thought came in; 'What if I do everything in an orderly manner, at the precise time? Will it change anything?' Well, of course it will, since procrastination is a thief of time, not really a thief thief, as in a crook/burglar etc. The emphasization in that phrase is to tell us how precious time is, and it kills us if we spill it all on the carpet.

Never ever let anything left to wait, as time waits for no man and opportunity most of the times doesn't come the second time around, so grab it like the time you spent on your blog :D

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Myth or Lies?

Loch Ness monster, Cyclops, Minotaurs and other mythological beings to me are just things people created out of their sudden creativity during the old times. It's a wonder; how would they thought of such brilliant craps that have been lying kids with farce stories and tell-tales of how collosal or strong those creatures were.

Well I admit, when I was a kid, I really love those guys, especially the Titans from 'the Odyssey' (old movie, nice but lame CGs). However, as time passes by, I'm less fascinated to them, at least I'm still having the lust of wanting to play Age of Myhtology, a game packed with the likes of them as units (soldiers), slave beast are the coolest!

Okay.. That's already off topic.. Anyway.. Myths are from legends, legends are the prominent figures or stories that have been handed down from generations to generations. I'm a person who just can't believe something that I haven't seen with my big brown eyes. As people say, seeing is believing. Even dinosaurs left their fossils to us as proofs that they existed among men before (think so.. maybe not), while the mythological beings left nothing.

Thus, a myth stays a myth. I don't know how this whole crap starts but it's totally an utter bullshit. One more of a pointless post.. hahaha

Friday, May 2, 2008

Of Marauders and Martyrs

It's an inevitable cycle..
Inferiors would have to bow down to the superiors as they have violated the inferiors' rights.
Eventhough they tried to unite, it was of no avail since their plans had been meddled by such cowards who enslaved themselves to the enemy.

That's what I think that is happening in the world today. No unity can be seen, each and every one selfishly avoid themselves to get involved in serious matters such as liberating the oppressed or even lending them a hand.

Humanity in citizens of all nations are fading each day. Not all of them have lost it, they still have it, somewhere within their hearts. Some would translucently object the tyrannity, others would.. well, just sit down on their couch, watching T.V. and fcan only feel sorry for the subjugated ones.

Me, myself can only express myself in this very blog. I can't do much here anyway, so I pray that hopefully, the Brothers & Sisters in the warring countries will emerge victorious in the end.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Start of a new May

Well.. It's been really boring living out daily routines..
Some days are just too predictable..
Some suprises would be forseeable if we think too much of it..

So, I did a few changes in my life, positive ones of course.
Most people should try it too.
A friend once told me that he saw a commercial about trying things you never tried in your life and mastering them within 50 year. He never thought about it before, as a good response he tried bunch of tuffs and finally came to guitar lessons.

Once I saw him trying to achieve so many things, that's when i realised that, I should aim for the same goal. It's pretty fun if you do something that is so unfamiliar to you, you'll see in every angle; there are more surprises than if you just wait for the outcome at the end of the day.

This blog mark as the 1st in my list things to do in 50 years.
Hope I'll get to find more astonishing stuffs to achieve, or just a plain one.. to be as normal as others.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Hands on Crisis Core!!

Finally, the game I've longed for (Crisi Core FFVII) has been shipped to Malaysia on March 25th, however i bought it a week later and that was considered quite late to me, a Final Fantasy Freak. I didn't even hesitate to grab it.. A burning triumph was felt..

Ok, at 1st, it took me awhile to think whether or not I should unwrap the merchandise as it was kinda like a very special thing to me.. No, more like sacred... But hey, I waited this long didn't I, I desperately need to play it and so I did..

For 5 days I was truly engrossed in playing this one of a kind final Fantasy prequel. I skipped breakfast, lunch.. Almost every meal just to know what will happen next in the game. To me, it's not a mere game, it's more like a... Movie.. a Masterpiece..

The plot is neat, the battle system is sound, and the voice acting is superb.. Talk about graphics.. It's state-of-the-art. I don't think any developers can beat RPGs by square-Enix, they're simply the best! I never regretted buying.

Weaknesses can be seen where there are too many repetitive dungeons.. Similar looking Items.. The monsters have almost the same designs, but only stronger further in the game. The story stayed short, but that ain't soo bad.

I think Final Fantasy Freaks should buy it as it offers a lot more than you know. Cheers to Crisis Core!
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1st post mean something.. at least..

Blog? What is it anyway? A place to give out your own opinions? Suggestions maybe? A place to hide your darkest secrets or deepest desires that one cannot attain? Or just a spot to shout out your rants and raves?

Well, to me.. this is where I talk/write crap. So.. after this one.. The Crapping Starts.....