Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Racist? Me? Please..

Have you ever heard of Russel Peters? Yes? No?
If you don't, let me give you a brief fact about him, he's a racist comedian. Plus, he's Indian but not an ordinary Indian, he's American. That's what makes him sooo good at telling his sarcastic jokes about Chinese, Blacks and even the Whites and I love em!

Having the love for racial jokes does not make me a racist, no no, I'm not one. But I have experienced what do they call 'racism-abuse' upon myself which I find it irritating up until now. In fact I would like to write it down here, just for self appeasement.

I was a boy, a naive boy who didn't know how cruel the world is in reality. Friends, I have some, multi-racial and multi-cultural, the tolerance was great. One day, one fateful day, I was excited coming to the kindergarten, with a new set of stationery, Ultraman edition. Every time even during class, I would be holding my Ultraman pencil since it's my first and I was craving for it dearly. During break, I went to a small playground inside the kindergarten compound and there was an Indian boy crying near the slide. Curiously approached him I did and asked,"Knape nangis ni?". He kept crying, ignoring me. I was confused yet agitated to ask him more(I don't deal pretty well with kids then). Later, a teacher, Indian of race came swiftly to the boy's aid and she asked him what happened. I did't know what the boy was whispering to her but what I know was, "Oh-boy..Hell's coming!". Abruptly, the teacher snatched my pencil, my Ultraman pencil from me and handed it over to that crying child which he stopped later with the face of utter rejoice. I was dumbfounded, flabbergasted and gobsmacked. "Jangan amik brg org, awk ni!", she scolded me afterward. What the heck? What the hECK?? Since when did I STOLE that boy's pencil and since when did it BELONGED to him? That was extremely racist man, she heard only from one side, which was of her own kin and I didn't know how to react, I was too immature to think that was 'racism-abuse' which I later realised over the years.

The moral is, don't be a racist. Malaysia is the land of tolerance; we live side by side.Therefore, why must we fight? It's a waste of breath, saliva and even manpower. So, lets hold hands and face the world together, shall we?

anonymous - NOT!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Love The Way You Are

Funny isn't it?
When you really like someone, you don't care how they look, how they act, how good or bad they are or how they present them to us and everyone else. Everything about them make your heart at peace and by thinking of them,it soothes your soul.

But it pains you when they don't take you as yourself, they needed something better and when they have found even one flaw on us, they would leave us to rot. I'm not saying that everyone is like that but that is just the typical notion that we can usually see going around everyday, at any time.

Humans are not perfect, to be perfect is only a myth. We make errors and some mistakes are not rectifiable in any sense as we have been created that way, and it's not our place to argue on that. If you don't like someone, just say it. Avoid future conflicts; break ups are the worst end that could possibly happen.

I digress on the fact that to love someone, you need to change yourself and be the person that is desired by the one you love. It's really not worth changing for and to find someone who like you, the way you are and can listen and care for you when you're in deep shit, is the best blessing that a human in love could get. Try that.