Sunday, February 15, 2009

What They Really Don't Know

"Hey, today's the 14th of February! You know what day is it dear?".
"It's Valentines Day!!"
"Really?? Thanks for reminding me dear.."
"Let's enjoy the day to ignite our passionate love!"

These are normal conversations that you can hear from a couple, in Malaysia during the day that most people that are having relationships celebrate. The Valentine's Day. Yes, it's fun and all, you get good discounts at the Midvalley Megamall, The KLCC where they've made them to their shopping ports. However, they are ignorant about one thing, Valentine's Day in not a lovey-dovey occasion, it's a notion to place man in astray.

Valentine (so it seems) promotes to strengthening of relationships and what people really don't know, it sponsors close proximity and the feeling that is forbidden for one to have. Well, the real history behind the event is : it is the celebration for the priest St. Valentine and the defeat of a war in the days of the crusades where the Muslims were slaughtered. No offense but, it's the whole truth.

The point is, we need to re-educate ourselves. We are so damn ignorant of the history and it troubles me to find it to be twisted and re-phrased by diabolical minds in order to fit their own desires by constructing fabrications of the original story. I pray, seek the truth about everything. We tend to say that we know everything, yet, there are many things that we really don't know.

Do know that by blogging, you are being being put under surveillance by the Government? Go figure!


Zikri said...

no offense but truth in this modern day and age is mostly a load of bollocks

Luqman said...

menarik je...